Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Through They Eyes of A Dog

Hello! My name is Bevo and I used to live with the greatest people in the world. Their names were Amber, Jonathan, Rhonda, & Jamie. They loved me so much. I could feel it every time one of them would come home and scream my name. I would start running to them because I didn't see them all day so when I finally got to, I was so happy!
But one day, they didn't come home and I got scared and worried. It felt like they didn't come back for days and days. I started getting hungry and I had eaten all of my food. So, I started looking around to see if there was anything else to eat. But all I could find was just their things. I was so hungry that I started chewing on their stuff to see if I liked any of it. Well, they eventually came home and saw the mess. I heard the man of the house say that they had to get rid of me if I was going to keep acting like that and chewing on stuff I know I'm not supposed to chew on. So I tried to make sure that I didn't do it again! But, one day when I woke up from my midday nap I was hungry! I knew that they were only supposed to feed me in the morning and at night. So I couldn't eat in the middle of the day if I had already eaten my food. Which I had! I don't know what happened!! My mind just went crazy and I only remember waking up hearing Amber screaming "OH NO!"
When I looked around me, I saw that I had chewed up their shoes! I was so scared. I knew that I was going to get put in the pen! So, as I hesitantly waited for everyone else to come home, I tried cleaning up my mess. Which, by the way, didn't work. When Jamie finally came home and saw what I had done, he told everyone that he was through with me and it was time for me to go to another home. Amber and Rhonda started crying and said that they didn't want me to leave. But Jamie said that we didn't have a choice.
A couple weeks went by and soon enough, they were taking me to another home. Amber was crying and holding me, while Rhonda was trying to convince Jamie to let me stay. When we came to a stop, I noticed we were at a house out in the country and I thought that maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all. I would get to run around and play and chew on things outside without getting into trouble.So, Jamie went and knocked on the door while the rest of them told me bye. It was probably the saddest I have ever felt in my whole life! When Jamie got done talking to the owner of the house, they both walked over to me and Jamie handed me to the man. Amber and Rhonda were crying so hard that it made me want to cry! Then, they left and I was left there without a friend to love me.
Eventually, me and my new owner got close and I can tell that he now loves me almost as much as my other owners did, and I love him, too! I still think about them, at times, and wonder how they are doing.

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